📚 node [[digital gardener|digital gardeners]]
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⥅ related node [[digital gardeners]]
⥅ related node [[digital gardener taxonomy]]
⥅ node [[digital-gardener-taxonomy]] pulled by Agora


[[Jayu Eleuthéria]]


Most of these [[stereotype]]s are equally valid for [[digital gardener]]s (and [[analog gardener]]s!) working in private or public, personal or collective gardens.

Many of these are neither negative nor positive.

Gardeners can (and often do) fit in many of these stereotypes at once.

  • [[Digital gardener]]
    • A gardener who tends to favor digital media over analog for their gardens.
    • their biggest rival is the [[analog gardener]].
  • [[Analog gardener]]
    • A gardener who tends to favor analog media over digital for their gardens.
    • their biggest rival is the [[digital gardener]].
  • [[Homegrown gardener]]
    • A gardener who tends to interpret, paraphrase and reformulate content from other people before using it on their own gardens.
    • their biggest rival is the [[Graft gardener]].
  • [[Baroque gardener]]
    • A gardener who tends to impose structure and order to the contents of a digital garden.
  • [[Afforestation gardener]]
    • A gardener who tends to fill a digital garden with content, and can't stand [[stub]]s/[[evergreen note]]s.
  • [[Trailmaker gardener]].
    • A gardener who tends to insert as much [[link]]s, [[wikilink]]s and connections as they can.
  • [[Sower gardener]]
  • [[Pollinator gardener]]
    • A gardener who tends to frequently use social annotation on other people's gardens.
  • [[Giant vegetable gardener]]
    • A gardener who tends to write huge notes.
  • [[Bonsai gardener]]
    • A gardener who tends to favour as much atomicity and minimalism as they can.
  • [[Orchard gardener]]
    • A gardener who tends to favour longform, essay-like notes over atomic or outliner-like notes.
  • [[Methuselah gardener]]
    • A gardener who tends to evolve and utilise really old notes.
  • [[Blacksmith gardener]]
    • A gardener who tends to develop their own tools for gardening, or to develop tools for other gardeners.
  • [[Flower fair gardener]]
    • A gardener who tends to incorporate many diverse topics and trivia to their gardens.
  • [[Swiss knife gardener]]
    • A gardener who tends to use the same tool for most of their gardening needs.
  • [[Gambiarra gardener]]
    • A gardener who tends to use many tools in conjuction for their gardening needs, including tools not originally designed for such purposes.
  • [[Shopper gardener]]
    • A gardener who tends to test many tools for gardening, and to frequently change between them.
  • [[Digitarium gardener]]
    • A gardener who tends to make gardens that are complex [[ecosystem]]s, with many gimmicks, functionalities, internal divisions, and integrations to services, sites, other gardens, tools and social media.
  • [[Graft gardener]]
    • A gardener who tends to insert quotations and verbatim in their gardens over interpreting, paraphrasing and reformulating content.
    • their biggest rival is the [[homegrown gardener]].
  • [[Rare species gardener]]
    • A gardener who tends to take interest in really niche topics.
  • [[Beaver gardener]]
    • A gardener who tends to incorporate content from feeds and streams into their own gardens.
  • [[Commensalist gardener]]
    • A gardener who tends to use the [[commons]] for their private digital gardens.
  • [[Free time gardener]]
    • A gardener who tends to only work sporadically on their gardens.
  • [[Museum gardener]]
    • A gardener who tends to not edit their notes too much after they're made.
  • [[Avant-garde gardener]]
    • A gardener who tends to make unusual connections and links between notes and topics.
  • [[Landscaper gardener]]
    • A gardener who tends to worry about how aesthetically pleasing their gardens are.
  • [[Ricer gardener]]
    • A gardener who tends to like customizing their gardening tools' functions and appearance.
⥅ node [[digital-gardeners]] pulled by Agora

Digital Gardeners

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